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Doctors…Modern Day Natural Healers June 5, 2009

Posted by nathanwei in Arthritis, Arthritis Treatment, Osteoarthritis, Prolotherapy, PRP-Platelet rich plasma, Stem Cells.

If you are a Baby Boomer who wants to stay active and stay in the game…. (and no, I’m not talking about male enhancement)…and recover from nasty problems like tendonitis and arthritis, you ought to pay attention to this post …

Because this past week I interviewed Dr. Sean Mulvaney, a sports medicine doctor who specializes in PRP (platelet-rich plasma) techniques and Dr. Dean Reeves, a specialist (in fact one of the foremost experts in the world) in prolotherapy.

Both of these physicians discussed the  revolution in natural healing of conditions such as tendonitis and arthritis using the body’s own growth factors.

While our ability to regenerate new tissue declines as we age, it is not completely lost.  It’s possible to turbocharge it using newer methods.

With old technologies like prolotherapy and new technologies like PRP and stem cells, we are able to accomplish amazing things.  Some of these medical approaches sound like stuff out of Star Wars. Truly amazing stuff and important if you’re a Boomer who wants to continue to do the things you want to do without having to take toxic medicines or worry about joint replacement surgery lurking in the background.

Dr. Mulvaney discussed the biology and indications for PRP. 

Since he is an Army guy with hush-hush connections, he told me that if he revealed any more, he’d have to kill me….

… and Dr. Reeves talked about the amazing regenerative and rejuvenating properties that our bodies have if given the right opportunity.  While he uses the standard prolotherapy solutions (generally dextrose), he is also an advocate of PRP.

In future discussions, I’ll be yapping about PRP and stem cells. 

The reason? …I’m working a on a big project  on regenerative medicine.  In the upcoming weeks, I’ll be telling you more about it. Stay tuned.


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